I wrote the poem "Strength" at a time when I felt like rock-bottom was my reality. I was emotionally fragile and the words of others kicked me while I was down. It took a lot to get my footing again and to have the resilience to withstand the power others had over me. I had to fight hard from the inside. Addiction brought me to my knees and this poem is written for inspiration. I needed some inner strength, some hidden vitality, some fight to take over the driver's seat for a little while.
How can another’s opinion weaken me,
Turn me to a victim of indecency,
Or make me feel less of a man,
Like I’ve been stripped of my dignity…
How can they be right,
If I’m not wrong?
How can I stay strong
When I’ve been tormented for so long,
By a substance’s song
If life is a two-way street,
Then why do I prolong
On this
To a dead end,
No one to trust as a friend
Who won’t condescend
On me
As I descend
To my world of pretend,
A haven,
Where I refuse to mend,
Yet still comprehend
The vibes others send…
Now if this went a little off track,
I just wanna bring it back,
Cuz a little while ago,
I felt under attack,
Like I could slip through a crack,
I had to hold back
When I caught a verbal smack,
And I was hurt ,
These eyes fought tears
As I recalled old fears
From past years,
For a moment,
I couldn’t see clear,
Or pioneer
A thought
That might
Persevere my conscience,
Commandeer my welfare,
The insecurities I hold dear,
See I’m here,
In this land of opportunity,
And if I’m weak,
Then others are ruining me
In my own community
Where I deserve immunity
From these,
Close-minded opinions,
Divided and misguided decisions,
This is my decided dominion,
Don’t come in strutting
Like you’re the kingsman,
There’s a war being fought,
Deadly weapons the devil brought
Could have me distraught,
But I’ve been brought up and taught
To go head on into battle,
Strap on a saddle
Round up the cattle
Drop the baby rattle
Grab a paddle,
And row my own damn boat,
Cuz others will always,
Laugh and joke
Enclosed in glass and smoke
No passion to cope,
Well I’m smashing that hope
Of blasting more dope,
Cuz it slashes my rope
And I crash and I croak,
So I share what I know
Cuz I care and I grow,
And I put it in words so
Beware of the flow…
No one else,
Is gonna hold the joystick
And control me
Like a video game,
Cuz they haven’t felt my pain
Or seen the flames
And acid rain
When it came and changed
The mainframe in my brain,
This individual
Who was once sane,
To one trapped with no residual gain,
Let me simply explain,
I was strapped to the tracks
Of an oncoming train,
Still looking to place blame…
Well now it’s less important
How another soul views me,
If I ignore your condescending demeanor,
Please excuse me,
I’ve surrendered to a power,
I will not let refuse me
And he’s pretty choosy…
So to those who
Practice and teach ignorance,
To those who
Continue to preach indiligence,
I’m sending the word
That I will not lay down,
I will stand my ground
When you come around
With that profound sound,
See this is MY world,
I’m the king,
And I cherish my crown…
Turn me to a victim of indecency,
Or make me feel less of a man,
Like I’ve been stripped of my dignity…
How can they be right,
If I’m not wrong?
How can I stay strong
When I’ve been tormented for so long,
By a substance’s song
If life is a two-way street,
Then why do I prolong
On this
To a dead end,
No one to trust as a friend
Who won’t condescend
On me
As I descend
To my world of pretend,
A haven,
Where I refuse to mend,
Yet still comprehend
The vibes others send…
Now if this went a little off track,
I just wanna bring it back,
Cuz a little while ago,
I felt under attack,
Like I could slip through a crack,
I had to hold back
When I caught a verbal smack,
And I was hurt ,
These eyes fought tears
As I recalled old fears
From past years,
For a moment,
I couldn’t see clear,
Or pioneer
A thought
That might
Persevere my conscience,
Commandeer my welfare,
The insecurities I hold dear,
See I’m here,
In this land of opportunity,
And if I’m weak,
Then others are ruining me
In my own community
Where I deserve immunity
From these,
Close-minded opinions,
Divided and misguided decisions,
This is my decided dominion,
Don’t come in strutting
Like you’re the kingsman,
There’s a war being fought,
Deadly weapons the devil brought
Could have me distraught,
But I’ve been brought up and taught
To go head on into battle,
Strap on a saddle
Round up the cattle
Drop the baby rattle
Grab a paddle,
And row my own damn boat,
Cuz others will always,
Laugh and joke
Enclosed in glass and smoke
No passion to cope,
Well I’m smashing that hope
Of blasting more dope,
Cuz it slashes my rope
And I crash and I croak,
So I share what I know
Cuz I care and I grow,
And I put it in words so
Beware of the flow…
No one else,
Is gonna hold the joystick
And control me
Like a video game,
Cuz they haven’t felt my pain
Or seen the flames
And acid rain
When it came and changed
The mainframe in my brain,
This individual
Who was once sane,
To one trapped with no residual gain,
Let me simply explain,
I was strapped to the tracks
Of an oncoming train,
Still looking to place blame…
Well now it’s less important
How another soul views me,
If I ignore your condescending demeanor,
Please excuse me,
I’ve surrendered to a power,
I will not let refuse me
And he’s pretty choosy…
So to those who
Practice and teach ignorance,
To those who
Continue to preach indiligence,
I’m sending the word
That I will not lay down,
I will stand my ground
When you come around
With that profound sound,
See this is MY world,
I’m the king,
And I cherish my crown…
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