Memes: Famous People Mixed With Famous Poetry Lines So I am veering off the path of slam poetry momentarily. I had the urge to start looking up a few of the most famous poetry lines throughout history. As I was reading, I wasn't blown away. Instead, I felt more like poking fun. So please take these images/memes and these correlations with a grain of salt - this is for entertainment purposes only, and was never intended to offend anyone. "To Be, or not To Be...That is the question" - Shakespeare A-Rod is probably facing much harsher criticism than this, but I couldn't help myself. "Candy is Dandy, but Liquor is Quicker" - Ogden Nash Amy Winehouse didn't quite put this theory to the test, but it proved itself "No Man is an Island" - John Donne Self-titled or not, QB's are throwing it down "Revis Island's" throat this season (2014-15) "Two Roads Diverged in a Wood, and I, I liked the Wood" - Robert Frost ummm....yeah "Romeo, oh Romeo...Wherefore art thou Romeo" - Shakespeare I might be dating myself here, but Homiez were the shit back in their day! "How do I love thee, let me count the ways" - Browning This memorable speech has already been jabbed at every which way from the sun, but I don't think anyone's ever used poetry to take a shot "When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple" - Joseph
Not sure why, but this is seriously the image that popped in my head when I read that line :) Got any other good ones? Please share them with me! Check below for my Twitter, email, etc. Thanks!