Slam Poetry About Drugs and Addiction
The grips of addiction held my feet to the fire for over 15 years. I was at war with drugs. It was bloody, gruesome, tiresome, and t nearly killed me. several times. My daily battles with heroin, cocaine and pretty much every other drug known to man contrived the raw emotion that pours from these drug-related poems (listed below).
Unfortunately, most of the drug poems I wrote were scripted on paper that didn't survive my life of addiction. Those poems are now told through track marks and inked memories. But triggers are frequent, so new prose are born often. My goal with this website is to educate and help the world in my own little way. I'm seeking those who are seeking help. Whether that help be with slam poetry or with addiction, I just hope my content touches your life. If you feel like connecting, if there's any way I can help you, I'll do my best - email me. |
Poets have authored sections of their lives into poems about drugs for a long time. It's no easy feat. Each word of my poems was hard fought either in my active addiction or through the path of recovery. Drug poems can be delineations of near-death events and they can be heroic tales of overcoming the seemingly impossible. Mine are a healthy balance of both sides to that coin.
I've attended poetry slams and spoken word events for years. Seldom do I hear poems coming from addicts about addiction or coming from family members and friends of addicts about the impact it's had on them. I take that plunge fearlessly and I encourage others to do the same - it makes for captivating, superb poetry!
I wrote poems about shooting heroin and poems about opiate addiction for a number of years in my active addiction. But I've also tried to take a look at the light at the end of the tunnel, and I wrote some of these poems about recovery and trying to overcome heroin and opiate addiction.
Thankfully, I'm not the only addict out there writing and performing slam poems about addiction. There are a couple videos below that showcase some terrific work from some other slam poets.
Poems about addiction that inspire me...