Time for roll call,
Gather them All!
The delinquents and pushers,
Abandoned and weak,
The dark-eyed outcasts,
The medieval geek
The contently sad,
Fake ID totin' lads,
The underage, horny,
hiding and mad,
No one cares
If you're a deadbeat dad,
co-workers, teachers,
Businessmen alike,
The gates are open,
Enter the reich of neon lights!
Poison pours thick,
like syrup,
slow and delicious
Shots await...
The seasoned are ready!
Punks... well, they prepare:
"water back"
"coke back"
"I'm sitting this one out"
They call,
One even said
"I need the bathroom"
Punk ass bitch - go wait in the stall!
The glass raises;
Cheers for the ages!
Glasses slam down on bartops
Like Zeus' thunder
Hi-Fives go 'round,
and faces change:
Some grin;
Some look like they ate a handful of sour patch kids.
And some,
Look like they actually do need the bathroom now.
Hours pass,
Rounds pass,
Shots keep coming!
Dance with prom queens,
To music they both hate
With smiles,
Like they just lost their virginity.
Bathroom chatter
Is almost pre-recorded:
"dude, did you see her grinding me!"
(men's room)
"Oh, My, God - he is wayyy too drunk"
Lines are left on sinks
Like puke
in 4am Toilets.
Hope this one ain't Ajax,
'Cuz I'm doin' it!
Strobes flash.
It's a dizzy dream reality.
A frenzy of confused chatter
Is drowned by a DJ turned god.
Shots are ordered,
Shots are poured,
Shots are Drank,
I think.
It's an orgasmic orgy in plain sight,
It's a glimpse of glamour
And golden goblets
of gay
that, if seen the next day,
Would greatly resemble decay.
Armageddon rules as shots multiply.
And we exist,
in this extended happy hour,
hoping it will never end.
We hope the shots will pour,
That they will mask,
Wash away what makes us
Time for roll call,
Gather them All!
The delinquents and pushers,
Abandoned and weak,
The dark-eyed outcasts,
The medieval geek
The contently sad,
Fake ID totin' lads,
The underage, horny,
hiding and mad,
No one cares
If you're a deadbeat dad,
co-workers, teachers,
Businessmen alike,
The gates are open,
Enter the reich of neon lights!
Poison pours thick,
like syrup,
slow and delicious
Shots await...
The seasoned are ready!
Punks... well, they prepare:
"water back"
"coke back"
"I'm sitting this one out"
They call,
One even said
"I need the bathroom"
Punk ass bitch - go wait in the stall!
The glass raises;
Cheers for the ages!
Glasses slam down on bartops
Like Zeus' thunder
Hi-Fives go 'round,
and faces change:
Some grin;
Some look like they ate a handful of sour patch kids.
And some,
Look like they actually do need the bathroom now.
Hours pass,
Rounds pass,
Shots keep coming!
Dance with prom queens,
To music they both hate
With smiles,
Like they just lost their virginity.
Bathroom chatter
Is almost pre-recorded:
"dude, did you see her grinding me!"
(men's room)
"Oh, My, God - he is wayyy too drunk"
Lines are left on sinks
Like puke
in 4am Toilets.
Hope this one ain't Ajax,
'Cuz I'm doin' it!
Strobes flash.
It's a dizzy dream reality.
A frenzy of confused chatter
Is drowned by a DJ turned god.
Shots are ordered,
Shots are poured,
Shots are Drank,
I think.
It's an orgasmic orgy in plain sight,
It's a glimpse of glamour
And golden goblets
of gay
that, if seen the next day,
Would greatly resemble decay.
Armageddon rules as shots multiply.
And we exist,
in this extended happy hour,
hoping it will never end.
We hope the shots will pour,
That they will mask,
Wash away what makes us
Other recommended poems based on this one: WHEN WE DIE WE GO TO CHOCOLATE | DADDY'S LITTLE GIRL
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Need help writing slam poetry? Check out some posts, blogs and articles here